

さら~っとワーホリ体験日記 -ブルーム編③- working holiday at Broom in AUS



というのも、ブログのアクセス見てるとアメリカやカナダ(あとオーストラリア)の英語圏からもなぜかアクセスあるので(さすがにその国在住の日本人の方だとは思うんですが。。)ぼくの拙い英語でもこのブログを楽しんでもらえればなぁと思っております。。んーただ、別のブログとして書きたいけどそうなると記事がバラバラになって読みずらい&管理が難しいし、かと言って同じ記事にまとめるとなんかスピード感がなくなる気が。。(笑) まぁそもそもぼく自身スピード感が分からないので、ただの感覚なんですけどね🤣





-----English part-----

Hello guys! How's going?😁

I just wandering if I write this blog in English, that will be able to spread more imfomation and fun many people than now. So I'll try it and if you would give some feedback, I'd love to make it better!

Firstly, this is written by japanease who had been in Aus as a working holiday. I'm gonna write about some of more details when I have time later depends on demanding lol

This is a kinda diary what i did at WH in aus especially Broome at the this blog post.

oh, maybe i gotta write this post ASAP.


Let's go~~~~!





I was supppose to work as parsonal aged care worker which i found local notice board in front of grocery store. i passed the interview and the day was my first day starting work.

BUT! there were many siblings and whole family of the patient.....😮😮 i was kinda know the moment that my patient has been past away....

i helped them to orgnaize everything for that, after that i lost my job😅

so, i had to find next job ASAP, espesially the moment my bank was only $30 left lol.

I was trying to apply only cafe coz i desired to be balista in aus even that moment.( i konw it's too picky :-O)

after a week, i went to apply a cafe name of The mango place where is outskirt of town that took 30min by car. 


あらかたタウンにあるカフェは回ったので、確認のためにもう一度グーグルマップでカフェを検索すると、タウンから30分ほど離れた場所にある「The Mango place」という、名前からしてあからさまにマンゴーをメインで取り扱っているカフェがありました。




  this is the after 10min from town's roard, which on the way to the cafe. Isn't it too much middle of nowhere!?!?



i was completely suspected that is sure there is a cafe or not coz it's just only road! but finally i got it :D thaks google!




I'll describe about the cafe at next post coz it's too long already😅😅


for posting blog - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA


to be continue.........







